More than 836 killed by the Israeli occupation in Gaza
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More than 836 killed by the Israeli occupation in Gaza

More than 836 Palestinians were killed in the continues Israeli war on Gaza and the clashes in the West Bank and Jerusalem. most of them are children and women.The last Crime was bombing Unrwa school where thousands of Gaza people lived after destroying their houses. beside bombing the hospitals, the last one was bombing Al Durra hospital.
The uprising in the occupied west bank and Jerusalem is ongoing and increased. as every night there is protests and clashes almost in all the west bank. The occupation forces using most Live Bullet which killed 6 Palestinians, one of them is Mohammad Al Aaraj was killed yesterday,  and five today untill writing this news. Khalid Odeh and Tayeb Odeh were killed by Israeli Settler in Howwara – Nablus and Eid Rabah from Al Arroub refujee camp hebron.Hashem Abu Maria and Sultan Al zaakek from Beit Ummar- Hebron and another two marters. and more than 500 injuers. 
The most moral army is proud of his crimes 


Al Durra hospital was bombed by the Occupation forces


Iam The targets bank of Israel 




The martyr Khalid Odeh was killed by the Israeli settler in Howwara- Nablus. 


The Martyr Mohammad AlAraj was shot in Head by the Occupation Forces during the clashes on Qalandia checkpoint


Thousands participated in a protest supporting Gaza on Qalandia check point 


Solidarity, Take actions now!! 

Photo: universal solidarity1