Get Involved
Build Resistance not Walls – Stand with our struggle!
Join the Stop the Wall Campaign to tear down Israel’s apartheid Wall! Our joint struggle is becoming the weak spot for the Israeli occupation. A strong, popular, international movement is crucial to stop Israel’s regime of occupation, apartheid and colonialism.
Here is what you can do:
Stay informed and share our information
Stop the Wall aims to provide you with the breaking news, in depth information and research as well as action alerts and information about solidarity campaigns to support our struggle on the ground.
Please sign up to our mailing list and check out our website and social media regularly.
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Your support is fundamental to keep us strong. The Stop the Wall Campaign is a grassroots movement based on voluntary efforts and popular mobilization. Nevertheless we need resources to keep going. The donations of supporters like you – small or big, one time or recurring – allow us to react to emergencies, build sustained struggle, reach out to new communities and grow the determination and hope we all need that one day we will be attain freedom, justice and equality in our land and for our people.
Please contribute now: [DONATE BUTTON]
Get organized
We are strong enough only if we unite and organize together. Almost everywhere in the world, solidarity campaigns and groups are already active and you can join them. Or you can take the initiative to create one in your local community. You can also seek support for Palestine in the organizations you are member of such as political parties, trade unions or other institutions you are a member of. You can participate or organize demonstrations against companies in your country that trade or invest in Israel and companies that sell weapons and equipment to Israel. You can arrange solidarity meetings/webinars with speakers from Palestine.

Join the World without Walls initiative
The call for a World without Walls, launched in 2017 by Palestinian and Mexican movements, is today endorsed by over 400 movements, groups and networks across the globe.
World without Walls has developed from an annual Day of InterAction, November 9, to also being a space of encounter to build connections between movements struggling against walls of expulsion, exclusion, oppression, discrimination and exploitation.
Learn more here

Join the BDS movement
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) is the Palestinian-led movement for freedom, justice and equality and the most effective tool to support Palestinian rights. BDS upholds the simple principle that Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity. Inspired by the South African anti-apartheid movement, the BDS call urges action to pressure Israel to comply with international law.
BDS is now a vibrant global movement made up of unions, academic associations, churches and grassroots movements across the world. Since its launch in 2005, BDS is having a major impact and is effectively challenging international support for Israeli apartheid and settler-colonialism
Stop the Wall is one of the co-founders of the BDS movement and takes an active part in the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC).
Please find out more about the BDS movement and how to join.
Keep us updated
It is important for all those struggling on the ground to get news of solidarity actions from abroad. Tell us about solidarity activities in your country and community. It is an inspiration for us and for all the international solidarity work.
Whenever we can, we share stories of solidarity on our social media. You can let us know about your actions and initiatives through our contact form here.
If you want to support us, helping with translation, editing, design, research or more, please contact us through our contact form.