Israeli bulldozers destroy commercial stores as demolitions in Nazlat ‘Isa continue
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Israeli bulldozers destroy commercial stores as demolitions in Nazlat ‘Isa continue

Nazlat ‘Isa, Tulkarem — Israeli bulldozers, accompanied by the military, demolished today three commercial stores in Nazlat ‘Isa, located near the Green Line between Baqa Al Sharqia and Baqa Al Gharbia. Ten days ago, the Israeli Occupation Forces demolished 135 stores in the village as well as five houses. The large scale demolition of the commercial area was the completion of the destruction which began last January with the destruction of 85 stores. It is expected, and according to the demolition orders, that 423 dunums of agricultural land of the village will be destroyed and some 500 will be isolated behind the Wall.

In addition, the IOF gave today sixteen families in the village a week’s notice of their return to demolish their homes.

About one year ago, numerous homes and shops in the village received demolition orders from the Israeli military at which time legal representation for the families took the issue to the Israeli high court, which is still reviewing their case. According to those interviewed, the Israeli court had given the order to stop the demolition order until their decision was made; no decision has been reached.

Such Israeli measures seem to be aimed at evacuating the village and forcing the residents out, and in targeting Green Line villages. In this case, the further separation, isolation and physical and demographic strangulation of Baqa Al Gharbia and Al Sharqia are taking place.\

Click photos to see images of the demolitions taking place and destruction after.