Manifestations in Sweden Condemn the Israeli Apartheid Wall
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Manifestations in Sweden Condemn the Israeli Apartheid Wall

The Palestine Solidarity Organization, in cooperation with other solidarity groups in Sweden, mobilized for 2 days of activities in seven cities across the country against the Israeli Apartheid Wall on November 8th and 9th, answering the Palestinian global Call to Action.

On November 8, to commence the activities, a petition against the Wall containing the signatures of 105 prominent figures was published in one of Sweden’s largest newspapers, thereby reaching a constituency of over 400,000 readers. The petition condemned the Apartheid Wall and called for a stop to the injustice it is wreaking on Palestinian communities.

Also on the 8th, demonstrators gathered in the town center of Stockholm for six hours, displaying a tremendous banner condemning the Wall. Passers-by were engaged in discussion about the true impact and devastation of the Wall in Palestine, its obstruction of Palestinian livelihood and resources and the need for urgent action to resist its construction. Educational leaflets were also distributed, offering important information and statistics about the Wall as well as ways to plug into ongoing organizing against the Wall and the Israeli Occupation. Passers-by could also visit an informational booth, an exhibit and collection was organized for tree-planting projects in Palestine. The activities were supported by two public meetings held in the suburbs of Stockholm as well as the submission and publication of numerous editorials condemning the Wall in several Swedish newspapers.

On November 9, demonstrators took their message against the Wall to the streets in Stockholm’s annual march against racism. The Palestinian Solidarity Association marched with their anti-Wall banner to send a clear message that the racist policies of the Israeli government will not be tolerated and must be stopped.