The Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign “Nashra”: Arabic Issue Number 2
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The Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign “Nashra”: Arabic Issue Number 2

***image1***The second issue of the Nashra provides a comprehensive briefing on the current situation facing Palestinian communities living both in areas where construction of the Apartheid Wall has been “completed”, as well as those areas currently threatened with expulsion, as work on the Wall continues at an ever-increasing pace. In particular, this issue of the Nashra goes into great detail about circumstances related to the use of “permits” by the Israeli Occupation Forces as yet another tool for control and land annexation. The Nashra offers concrete examples from throughout the West Bank of expulsion policies being applied by Occupation Forces and their effects on the lives of Palestinians who are either isolated behind the Wall or whose lands and livelihoods are isolated from them. In addition, the Nashra presents information about communities most recently facing land destruction and confiscation, as well as accounts of on-going resistance and mobilization against the Wall.

Download the Nashra as a PDF [1473K]