Home Demolitions in Barta’a Sharqiya and Industrial Zones in Jenin Area
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Home Demolitions in Barta’a Sharqiya and Industrial Zones in Jenin Area

Barta’a Sharqiya
Israeli Occupation forces seem intent on building another section of the Apartheid Wall to the west of Barta’a in Jenin, as 15 new demolition orders have recently been delivered to commercial buildings owners, adding to the 70 commercial buildings and 30 houses which have had standing demolition orders for more than a year now. Although the Occupation courts have frozen the past orders, it appears that Israel is preparing to proceed with the wall, using tactics similar to those used in Baqa Sharqiya, with Occupation forces spraying herbicides on plants, and Army Engineers spraying marks in the land. Villagers believe the western section of Wall will be built 200 meters inside the green line and will annex Hinnanit and Shakid settlements, in the process annexing the Amra forest in Um Arrihan. It has been reported that Occupation soldiers are looking to sell wood gathered from Palestinian trees being felled in this area.

Already Um Arrihan, along with another five villages are separated from the rest of the West Bank by a section of the Apartheid Wall that is built to the east of these villages.

Industrial zones and passages in the Palestinian cantons
In Jalama, Occupation forces recently confiscated 400 dunums of irrigated agricultural land to open a new road and a military checkpoint, while 50 dunums are being prepared as a passage for transporting goods from a nearby settlement outpost, and another 20 dunums are purportedly going to be turned to a goods inspection and tariff collection point.

10000 dunums have been confiscated from the villages of Sillat al Harthiya, Yamoun, Araqa and Nazalt Asheikh Zaid, the land is to be used for the establishment of an “industrial zone.” This area will be an extension of Hinnanit and Shakid settlements, and the zone will be built on the eastern side of the Apartheid Wall which was built on village lands.

Clearing of land for a similar project was started last week in Tulkarem in Faro’un and in Irtah, south of Tulkarem.