Campaign against Arms trade with Occupation Launches in Spain
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Campaign against Arms trade with Occupation Launches in Spain

The Spanish Solidarity Network against the Occupation of Palestine has launched a campaign against the arms trade with Apartheid Israel. It comes in response to the Spanish Ministry of Defence openly backing the Occupation, and flouting all regulations on the arms trade, by purchasing 2600 missile heads and 200 missile launchers from the Israeli consortium RAFAEL.

The solidarity network has begun a media and lobbying campaign in Spain against the deal, with the ultimate aim of banning all military links and arms trading with Apartheid Israel. This goal is being pursued by numerous solidarity organisations in widespread campaigns spanning from India to South Africa. Activists in Switzerland, Norway, Germany, and the US have begun notable initiatives on the issue. In South Africa, the government ministry responsible for trade has been quick to distance itself from arms dealing with Israel, coming after Palestinian solidarity activists began a high profile investigation of the issue.

The arms trade has been targeted for the direct support it constitutes for the Occupation of Palestine. Many countries uphold, albeit on paper, codes of conduct that ban arms trade with countries that are in open violation of international law or in so-called “conflict or war zones”.

Israel’s economy is heavily based upon the production of war materials and military technology, sectors which it attempts to export to the rest of the world while deploying various weapons in the brutality and violence committed against the Palestinian people on a daily basis. Cutting off support for Israel’s military economy goes hand in hand with the struggle against oppression, injustice and dispossession on a global level.