A Series of Protests Organized in South Tulkarem District Against Checkpoints and Apartheid Wall Gates
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A Series of Protests Organized in South Tulkarem District Against Checkpoints and Apartheid Wall Gates

***image2***District popular committees against the Apartheid Wall, in cooperation with Palestinian national political parties, organized a demonstration at Jubara military checkpoint and gate situated at the entrance of the village, south Tulkarem District. The demonstration emerged as a community protest against prolific land siege and daily gate and checkpoint closures that are strangulating villages throughout the region.

Vans picked up demonstrators at ten o’clock in the morning from Tulkarem city and took them to the gate, where demonstrators congregated and made a call against the Wall and the racist policies of the Occupation , which berate Palestinians to less than second class citizens and destroy any capacity for a national economy. Occupation soldiers tried to prevent protesters from demonstrating at the gate, beating them with their batons and guns.

This demonstration in Jubara is the beginning of series of such activities organized through regional popular committees to be held each Saturday. The next Saturday demonstration will be in the eastern area of the district, at Inab checkpoint and military gate

Lands in other areas of Tulkarem are also now under siege to construct the Apartheid Wall. Two days ago, Occupation bulldozers uprooted a wide space of land belonging to the people of Beit Lid and Kafr al Labad villages, in the eastern and southern parts of Tulkarm district. These lands are being stolen to build the Wall around Enav and Avne Hefetz settlements and correlating road. To date, approximately 1000 olive trees belonging to nine different farmers have been uprooted.

