Feedback onThe past, current and planned actions and campaigns
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Feedback onThe past, current and planned actions and campaigns

We are undertaking a piece of comprehensive research to provide a thorough overview, exploration and analysis of the BDS movements as they stand across the world. This involves compiling details of the current political, commercial and cultural ties Israel has globally as well as research on BDS initiatives country by country with an overview of the challenges they face, the prospects for increasing in strength and the opportunities for building upon existing solidarity work.

We would appreciate any assistance you can provide in regards of initiatives from your country. Replies will be treated anonymously with the information being collated for the final report.

The research will enable us to create a new collection of tools, materials, ideas and resources to be shared amongst activists and campaigners. Moreover with the aim of catalysing a greater coordination, we hope an analysis at this time can play some part in clarifying the strategies of solidarity work with Palestinians struggling for freedom. This is envisaged on a number of levels, from local to national and international initiatives. Please download the questionnaire and spend a few minutes of your time to assist the campaign.

Click here to download the questionnaire