Many activities have been held in Spain during the week against the Apartheid Wall. The Committee in Solidarity with the Arab Cause has organized and participated in rallies and events in Barcelona, Las Palmas, Madrid (Plaza Mayor) and Valencia to protest the Apartheid Wall. All these activities have called for the suspension of the trade Association agreement between Israel and the EU and a complete arms embargo. They have further reiterated the call against any funds from the EU or the World Bank going to the construction of the apartheid infrastructure necessary for the sustainability of the ghettos created by the Wall.
***image1***In Madrid, a large range of NGOs, trade unions and parties, including IU, PSOE, UGT, CC OO, Plataforma de ONGs â2015 y +â, Federación de AA. de DD.HH., USO, A.H.Palestina âJerusalénâ, Foro Social de Madrid, O.N.G. â Paz Ahoraâ have organized a conference in solidarity with the Palestinian people on Saturday, the 18th of November. A series of speakers from different social and political organizations contributed, while a PowerPoint presentation and exhibition visually illustrated the reality and struggle in Palestine.
In Galicia, activists have joined in the struggle and organized a conference with video screening on the 16th of November. Activists further called for cyber and phone action.
The Galician activists have sent out calls to block the mail and phones of Apartheid Israelâs embassy on Thursday 16th of November between 9 am and 3 pm. Taking up the model of cyber action, the public has been urged to call and send mails and faxes en masse condemning Israeli policies and asking for an immediate end to the Occupation and the construction