This week the Occupation confiscated an additional 238 dunums of land from Bardala village in the northern Jordan Valley. Although the stated purpose of the confiscation is to create a buffer zone in front of the Apartheid Wall, it will further reduce the area of fertile land accessible to Palestinians.
***image2***Constructed in 2003, the Apartheid Wall runs north of Bardala to Mutalli, isolating some 4000 dunums of agricultural land from its owners in Bardala. The new confiscations will effectively isolate an additional 1000 dunums and will affect the livelihood of hundreds of people from Bardala who depend on farming. Currently these lands, which run south of the Apartheid Wall, are either planted with wheat and vegetables or are used for grazing.
Land previously isolated by the Wall has not been accessible to its owners for three years now. Meanwhile Israeli settlers have been farming it and reaping profits from the dispossession of Palestinian farmers.
Resistance to this dispossession is punished – the day after farmers started campaigning with international organizations to pressure the Occupation to grant access to their land for cultivation, occupation forces sent the orders for further land confiscation.
This latest confiscation is part of the overall scheme to eliminate Palestinians from the Jordan Valley by various means which include completely isolating it from the rest of Palestine and denying Palestinians their livelihood by stealing their most fertile land.