Occupation Forces to build Wall at entrance of Azzun village
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Occupation Forces to build Wall at entrance of Azzun village

On November 28, Occupation forces announced that they would soon begin construction on a segment of the Wall at the northern entrance to the village of Azzun, in the Qalqilya district. This will mean the confiscation of seven dunums of village land in order to establish a 3.5 km segment of the Wall.

Occupation forces refused to say whether or not a gate would be built into the Wall to allow villagers to pass in and out, and they also refused to specify whether the Wall would be made of concrete blocks or an electrically charged chain-link fence. The construction of the Wall around Azzun represents the permanent sealing off of the village, which has already been subject to many closures this year. Indeed, the northern entrance to the village is often blocked off by Occupation forces, and forces regularly conduct raids in the village.