Stop the implementation of Agrexco on the Port of Sète, France
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Stop the implementation of Agrexco on the Port of Sète, France

Last January, Georges Frêche, the President of the Luanguedoc-Roussillon region announced the setting-up of Agrexco on the port of Sète, promising with it the creation of jobs along with incoming profits. The setting up Agrexco on the port of Sète has sparked controversy among the French population. A total of fifty organisations have joined the coalition against Agrexco in an attempt to stop its implementation in the region. Protests have taken place on June 25 to denounce the matter, and further action is being planned by the growing coalition.

The president of the France-Palestine Solidarité, Robert Kissous notes that the installation of Agrexco does not take into account the intensification of the colonisation in the West Bank but rather sets a tone of approval and encourages the current situation. Moreover, according to AFPS, the agreement made between the exporter and Port Sud of France goes against agreements made between the European Union and Israel – particularly on the issue of received goods produced on occupied territory.

In response, George Frêche stated that he “does not have a habit of mixing politics and business. The port of Sète will have commercial relations with Israel just as it does with Turkey, Egypt, Morocco and other Muslim countries.

Agrexco, which is 50% state-owned, is currently the largest Israeli exporter of agricultural goods. Their exports include agricultural products such as fruits, plants and vegetables, a majority of which are grown in the occupied Jordan Valley using stolen Palestinian water and land.


For more on Agrexco and the boycott, click here.

Organizations that have endorsed the collation against Agrexco

-AFPS (Association France Palestine Solidarité : Nîmes 30, Alès-Cévennes 30, 34, 66)
-Alternatifs (30,34)
-APJ (Les Américains pour la Paix et la Justice, Montpellier)
-AP-LR (Association des Palestiniens Languedoc-Roussillon)
-APTI (Association pour la Promotion des Travailleurs Immigrés 30)
-ATTAC (Sète Bassin de Thau)
-CAPJPO (Europalestine)
-CCIPPP et CCIPPP34 (Campagne Civile Internationale pour la Protection du Peuple Palestinien)
-CMF (Collectif des Musulmans de France – Sud)
-Comité BDS Montpellier (Comité Boycott, Désinvestissement, Sanctions)
-Collectif Palestine Narbonne
-Confédération Paysanne Languedoc-Roussillon
-CUALs (Comités Unitaires pour une Alternative au Libéralisme : Mtp Centre, Mtp. Cévennes Petit Bard,  Mtp.La Paillade, Mèze)
-IJAN (Réseau Juif Antisioniste International)
-Les américains pour la Paix et la Justice (Montpellier)
-Les Verts (Languedoc-Roussillon, Sète)
-LDH (Ligue des Droits de l’Homme, section Alès, section Montpellier)
-MAN (Mouvement pour une Alternative Non violente)
-MIB (Mouvement Immigration Banlieues)
-NPA ( Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste 34)
-PARASOL (Palestine, Résistance, Action Solidarité)
-PCF (Parti Communiste Français)
-Union Syndicale SOLIDAIRES 34
-UJFP (Union Juive Française pour la Paix – Languedoc-Roussillon)
-Vivre en Paix