CSQ latest union to take up BDS
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CSQ latest union to take up BDS

Canada again became a focal point of the trade union BDS movement yesterday, as the third largest Québécois union – the CSQ – passed a motion in support of the Palestinian people’s struggle. The union had earlier spoken out, along with numerous other Québécois organizations, over Occupation forces’ blockade and bombardment of Gaza, denouncing the Canadian government’s complicity with the American and Israeli administrations. Yesterday’s strongly worded motion called for divestment, boycott and sanctions until the Israeli state “conforms to international law and the principles of universal human rights.”

The 180,000-strong union adds to the growing global wave of condemnation from within the trade union movement. Labour organizations from all corners of the world – the Scottish TUC and the Congress of South African Trade Unions to name only two – have recently taken a stand. The debate on the brutal occupation and colonization of Palestinian land, and the BDS campaign, continue to be major matters of discussion and action in unions across the world.