People across the globe organize against the Apartheid Wall
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People across the globe organize against the Apartheid Wall

On November 9, 1989, the wall was brought down in Berlin. Today, in Palestine and across the world people are fighting to tear down another wall – much longer, much higher and not built along borders but along the lines of apartheid and ethnic cleansing. During the week of November 9 – 16, people around the world united in global action.

The 7th Week Against the Apartheid Wall, under the banner of “Unite Against Apartheid”, saw organizers conducting demonstrations, holding vigils, distributing information, screening films, and calling for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel.

Latin American

***image1***In Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Paraguay, and Venezuela, South American activists and others took action. In Buenos Aires, Central de Trabajadores de la Argentina (CTA) held a Panel discussion “Palestine, the Silent Genocide” on November 6. On November 11 in Sao Paolo, Brazil, a chorus of activists demonstrated against Israeli war crimes in Gaza and the Wall. From November 10-12 Unión General de Estudiantes Palestinos conducted a panel, screened the documentary “Palestina: Al Otro Lado”, and built a mock wall at the Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla, Colombia. Also on the November 12, Bolivian organizers and activists distributed pamphlets and other materials about the Wall in La Paz.

The next week, on November 17 in Santiago, Chile, organizers held a seminar against and distributed information on the Wall. A similar event and discussion was organized in Asunciôn, Paraguay.

Venezuela also joined the week of action, and from November 9-15, organizers and activists demonstrated, held lectures, and screened documentaries throughout the city of Caracas.

North America

Throughout the United States and Canada, similar actions took place against the state of Israel and it’s war crimes. Dozens of US cities held talks and documentary screenings about the Wall and strategies for BDS.

In Ottawa, Students Against Israeli Apartheid – Carleton organized mass outreach, forums, leafleting and film screenings from November 9-13 at Carleton University. In Quebec, artists and musicians performed and demonstrated in Montreal on November 11. The Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid also joined in Toronto, organizing discussions and film screenings on November 11-13


***image2***On the European continent, Austria, the Basque Country, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Scotland, Switzerland, and the UK also saw a wave of support for Palestinian rights and solidarity.

In Austria, Women in Black handed out flyers and conducted a vigil about the Wall and Jerusalem on November 7. On the same day in Germany, Christian churches distributed information about the Wall, while the Palestine Initiative conducted a BDS bicycle ride to various bio-markets throughout Berlin.

Further east, in Bilbao and Iruna, Basque Country, activists protested marched against the Wall on November 8 and 14. Similar action took place on November 13 in Denmark, where activists in central Copenhagen constructed and broke down a huge replica of the Apartheid Wall amid cheers of enthusiasm. Activists set up a short street blockade to raise awareness about the checkpoints in Palestine.

Rallies against Israeli apartheid also took place in Italy, and on November 14 in Norway, when the Palestine Committee of Norway, the Norwegian Association of NGOS for Palestine and others marched on the Israeli embassy in Oslo.

On November 14, Irish Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) organized a national demonstration against Israel’s apartheid practices. Speakers at the demonstration highlighted the brutality of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, with particular reference to the siege of Gaza and the Wall. Following the speeches protestors marched through the streets chanting slogans in support of the Palestinian people, carrying colorful flags, placards and banners in a loud and spirited demonstration. Following these actions, panels were conducted throughout the city. IPSC also held numerous meetings, film screenings, and fundraisers throughout the country.

Throughout the United Kingdom, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC UK) called for a National Week of Supermarket Boycott Actions, November 7-15. Throughout the country, activists picketing outside of supermarkets and offices. Also in the UK, the organization Fight Racism Fight Imperialism picketed shops that support/trade with Israel, and additionally, conducted a discussion forum (November 7 and 8). The Scottish PSC also took action in Edinburgh on November 7 and 11, during which time they organized BDS efforts and provided activists with information.

On November 4 in Geneva, Switzerland, Collectif Urgence Palestine headed an exhibition.

South Africa

In South Africa, the Palestine Solidarity Committee distributed raised awareness about the Wall. See a previous article here.

Australia and Southeast Asia

This year Thailand also participated in the global effort to end apartheid in Palestine and in Bangkok, PSC Thailand ran a Gaza Photo Exhibition.

In Australia, Australians for Palestine protested against Israel’s Jerusalem Quaret throughout the country. Dates of these protests spanned from November 5-21.

While efforts to bring awareness to Israeli apartheid policies and war crimes reverberated throughout the world, Palestinians also took action in the cities of al-Ma’sara, Ni’lin, Bil’in, Kufr Labad (Tulkarm), and Burin (Nablus).

On November 9 in al-Ma’sara, people tore down an effigy of the Berlin Wall in their demonstration as a message to the world that all walls eventually fall and Palestinian resistance against the Apartheid Wall will not stop. Demonstrations took place in Ni’lin on November 6 and 13, during which protesters literally tore down the pillars of the cement wall running across their land and closing off the fields from the farmers. On November 6 and 13, the people in Bil’in had created a polystyrene wall which displayed the message “Berlin 1989, Palestine ?” and put it up in front of their demonstration. On November 16, a large festival in Burin drew hundreds of participants and supporters.
