Weekly march in Al-Ma’sara commemorates Khaled Al-Azzeh
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Weekly march in Al-Ma’sara commemorates Khaled Al-Azzeh

On Friday July 16th, 2010, a number of demonstrators suffered from the inhalation of tear gas during the weekly march against the Wall and settlements in the village of Al-Ma’sara (Bethlehem District).

The march also commemorated the memory of Khaled al-Azzeh, a member of the Popular Struggle Front politburo and part of the Bethlehem popular committee against the Wall and the settlements who was killed in a car accident 40 days ago.
The march began in front of the Zawahra School in the center of the village and moved towards the Wall. When the demonstrators arrived at the Wall, the Israeli Occupation Forces prevented them from crossing into the confiscated lands behind the Wall by firing tear gas and sound bombs at them.

Mohammad Brijiyeh, the coordinator of the Stop the Wall Campaign in al Ma’sara, delivered a speech honoring Khaled al-Azzeh for his achievements in resisting the apartheid systems of the Israeli Occupation. Has spoke about his commitment to the Palestinian cause and confirmed that the popular resistance will continue to follow the path of Khaled al-Azzeh.

Mazen al-Azzeh, a member of the popular committees against the Wall and the settlements in Bethlehem district, followed the words with a speech in which he stressed the futility of direct or indirect negotiations with the occupation policies in light of the continued settlement and Judaization of Jerusalem and other Palestinian cities.