The Agriculture Land in Bardala Turns Fallow
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The Agriculture Land in Bardala Turns Fallow

The head of Bardala village council in the north valleys, Jamal Matahen, said that the Israeli water company Makrot reduced the water pumping to Bardala village to 35 cups per hour, which portends disaster to the village crops if this reducing continues.

Mr. Matahen said that the amount of water for the village agreed upon between both parties is 240 cups per hour, but that this amount has been reducing gradually by occupation policies over the past years. It reached 70 or 60 cups per hour, and finally 35 cups per hour after the company came and again reduced the amount of water two days ago.

The wheal of water is owned by the Palestinian villagers in Bardala village but is controlled under occupation by the Israelis, who continue reducing the amount of water to the village, which has turned more that the half of the agriculture land fallow due to lack of water.