For the right to play and live in the Jordan Valley
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For the right to play and live in the Jordan Valley

On Wednesday, August 28, in Wadi Maleh in the Jordan Valley has started the construction of a kindergarden in order to support the determination of the people to stay on their land, despite ongoing demolitions, land theft and the isolation imposed on them by the Tayasir military checkpoint.

The area in the northern Jordan Valley is under constant attack by the Israeli military in order to ethnically cleanse it, accelerate the colonization by illegal settlers and, finally, to annex the Jordan Valley by force.

The steadfastness of the people in the face of daily aggressions and disposession is a fundamental part of the Palestinian resistance. The families holding on to their land are the true guardians of the Palestinian cause.

The Stop the Wall Campaign, together with the popular committees in the Jordan Valley and the Toubas area have therefore organized the collective construction of a kindergarden to support the families and to claim our right to a free and dignified life on our land. The children in Wadi Maleh have the right to play and and their parents have the right to basic services such as schools and health centers.

The kindergarden will give the children in the area a space for recreation, in a context where movement from their village is made difficult and dangerous through the checkpoints isolating the area.

This project is part of our ongoing campaign to build models of resistance to Israel's project of displacement and support the steadfastness of the people.