Wave of Demolitions in the West Bank leave 75 people homeless
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Wave of Demolitions in the West Bank leave 75 people homeless

Yesterday, Occupation forces carried out a widespread demolition operation across the West Bank. Communities in the Jordan Valley were the hardest hit, although people in the Qalqilya district were also affected.

***image2***Around 9:00 in the morning, Occupation border police, soldiers and the so-called “civil administration” forces rolled into al-Hadidya with a bulldozer. Residents reported that a massive number of jeeps and soldiers surrounded the small community and began demolition quickly.

In al-Hadidya, four homes and four animals pens were demolished. 34 people have been left homeless, including at least 10 children under the age of 6. These structures belonged to Mohammed Ibn Fahed Mohammed Beni ‘Odeh, Mohammed ‘Ali Mohammed Beni ‘Odeh, ‘Ali Mohammed Mufleh Beni ‘Odeh, Omar ‘Araf Mohammed Sharat, all of whom have large families. Additionally, soldiers confiscated tools used for animal care as well as the materials that formally made up the homes of Mohammed ‘Ali and ‘Ali Mohammed, presumably to make reconstruction impossible. This is the third time since January 2008 that the people of al-Hadidiya have faced demolitions.

Frush Beit Dajan, in the northern Jordan Valley, was the next locality to be hit. A force of 7-8 jeeps, with the same make-up of border, civil and regular forces entered around noon with a bulldozer and gave villagers 10 minutes to empty their homes. A total of five tents as well as animal pens and troughs were demolished, leaving a total of 31 people without shelter. Shehdeh ‘Ibrihim Abu ‘Awad, his married son Mohammed Shedeh Abu ‘Awad and Jabril Mohammed Sariya, along with his mother and brother, all lost their tents. This is the 2nd time this year demolitions have occurred in Frush Beit Dajan.

***image3***In the al-Qadisya area, also in the northern part of the valley, Occupation soldiers destroyed water lines and confiscated others. The lines, which supply farmland with water from nearby wells, belonged to Palestinian farmers. Following the confiscation, soldiers threatened to evict the farmers if they attempted to reconnect to the wells.

In the Qalqilya district, Occupation forces demolished 2 tents northern Arab Ramadin. The tents, which belonged to Abduallah Said Hassan al-Ramadin and his son ‘Adil, sheltered a total of 10 people. The people were given inadequate time to rescue their possessions before the bulldozer began work.

***image4***Finally, Occupation bulldozers razed a container used to store seeds and material for a nearby nursery belonging to ‘Abdil Halim Jiyadi. In addition, Herb Tayayha’s animal shed in Izbit at-Tabib, were 22 buildings are under demolition threat, was razed.