People of ni’lin clash with soldiers in defense of their land
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People of ni’lin clash with soldiers in defense of their land

In the village of Ni’lin, outside Ramallah, residents clashed with Occupation soldiers over plans to confiscate village land for the construction of the Wall.

The people of Ni’lin began to protest around 9:00 in the morning and did not cease until 3:00 in the afternoon. Four persons were injured from rubber bullets and tear gas. One of them, 53 year old Sa’9d Abdulhaq, was injured from a rubber bullet and brought to a local hospital. He was released today. Occupation forces also arrested one resident, 32 year old Firas Hamdan Amira, who is still being held in an unknown location.

Yesterday’s protests were sparked when residents discovered that the Occupation was marking a new path for the Wall around the village. According to Ma’an news agency, the village owned 57,000 dunums before 1948. 21,000 were confiscated after 1967 and with the completion of the Wall only 19,000 will remain.

The current confiscation amounts to 2,500 dunums, also affecting 5,000 olive trees. An earlier 2004 order also led to the loss of 2,500 dunums of village land.
