“Ask a Palestinian” educates Irish public about the Nakba
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“Ask a Palestinian” educates Irish public about the Nakba

From 29 April – 5 May, the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) hosted their “Ask a Palestinian” exhibition in Dublin.

The exhibition connected Palestinians from across historic Palestine with the Irish public. The event allowed people from Ireland to speak directly with a number of Palestinians about the Nakba, life in the West Bank, Gaza and 1948 Palestine. While the exhibition was centered around the Nakba, the Palestinian participants where addressed a number of economic, social and political issues.

The event itself was set to commemorate and educate the Irish public on the Palestinian Nakba. The IPSC included an interactive presentation on 1948 as well as the ongoing nature of Occupation colonization and Palestinian dispossession.

The “Ask a Palestinian” event is part of a year-long IPSC programme commemorating 60 years of Nakba and calling for the refugees right to return. Events began in February with a Nakba commemoration in Howth outside of Dublin. In April, demonstrations took place in Belfast and Dublin to commemorate the massacre of Dir Yassin and protest against the continuing atrocities in Gaza. Most recently, activists picked an “Israel at 60 celebration” event at the Ballsbridge Court Hotel.

The ISPC actions are part of a campaign to commemorate and create awareness about the Occupation project of ethnic cleansing that began in 1948. In 1948, with 750,000 Palestinians expelled from their homeland and another 40,000 displaced inside 1948 Palestine. Land theft and expulsions continue today as the Occupation continues to expand settlements and demolish homes across Palestine.