July 9-12: 17 demonstrations to mark the fourth anniversary of the ICJ decision
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July 9-12: 17 demonstrations to mark the fourth anniversary of the ICJ decision

organized by: the Palestinian grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
in coordination with: National Resistance Committees, National and Islamic Forces

Thousands of people will be on the streets and in the fields to mark the fourth anniversary of the decision of the International Court of Justice on the illegality of the Wall. It states that:

– the Wall is to be dismantled and compensation given to the people for the damages incurred.
– all state parties of the IV Geneva Convention of their obligation not to render any aid or assistance to the Wall and its associated regime.

The demonstrations will bring two clear messages:

“To the PLO and PNA: challenge the United Nations to take action”
“To the international community: pressure Israel via sanctions to comply with international law”

Today, the Apartheid Wall is still with full force under construction in Ni’lin (west Ramallah), Beit Hanina (Jerusalem) and al Jeeb/Nabi Samuel (Jerusalem), al Khadr (Bethlehem district). Over two thirds of it are already built, 79 villages are completely surrounded by the Wall and the settlements and the entire population threatened by forced displacement.

Full list of activities:

July 9:

Jenin city (Jenin district) – 11 am
Deir Ghasoun (Tulkarem district) – 11 am
Al Ma’sra (Bethlehem district) – 11 am
Lower Beit Hanina (Jerusalem) – 12 am
Abu Dis (Jerusalem) – to be defined
Azzawiye (Salfit district) – 11 am
Azzoun Atme (Qalqiliya district) – 11 am
Ni’lin (Ramallah district) – 11 am

July 10:

Al Aqaba (Jenin district) – 11 am
Reef Dura Gharbiyye (Hebron district) – 11 am
Ni’lin (Ramallah district) – 11 am

July 11:

Jayyous (Qalqiliya district) – 1:30 pm
Bil’in (Ramallah district) – after prayer
Kufr Deek (Salfit District) – to be defined
Al Ma’sra (Bethlehem district) – 10:30 am
Al Khadr (Bethlehem district) – 12:30 pm

July 12:

Susiya (Hebron district) – 11 am