48 hours in Ni’lin – local solidarity breaks the siege
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48 hours in Ni’lin – local solidarity breaks the siege

The Occupation curfew on Ni’lin was broken on Monday evening, when people from nearby areas marched on the village. The curfew, which had been in effect since Friday, confined people to their homes and totally blocked the movement of goods and people in and out of the village.

On Monday evening, nearly 400 people from Budrus, Shuqba, Qibbiya, Deir Qaddis, Bil’in, Saffa and Beit Ur made their way to Ni’lin in an effort to break the four day long curfew and siege on the village. The marchers were met by the residents of Ni’lin, who left their homes in defiance of the curfew to confront Occupation military forces.

Violent clashes ensued, with soldiers firing live rounds at villagers and injuring three. 26-year-old Nil’lin resident Jamil Al-Far Srur, was critically wounded when he was hit in the stomach. The bullet lodged in his spine. 28-year-old Mutiya Falah Assira, also from Ni’lin, was shot in the leg, while a third young man from Shuqba took a live bullet in the eye.

Soldiers proceeded to damage around 50 homes in the villages, destroying property inside the homes and beating residents.

On Tuesday, Occupation forces withdrew and residents attempted to repair some of the damage. The following day clashes resumed, and residents fought against soldiers into the evening.