Four years after the ICJ decision: Palestinians don’t forget and don’t surrender
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Four years after the ICJ decision: Palestinians don’t forget and don’t surrender

In the days of the fourth anniversary of the decision of the International Court of Justice, the popular committees against the Apartheid Wall across the West Bank mobilized, escalating resistance against the Wall. Protests called for the Wall to be torn down and the international community and Palestinian leadership to finally fulfil their duties to ensure the implementation of Palestinian rights.

***image2***On Wednesday, July 9, eight demonstrations were held from Jenin to south Bethlehem district. In Beit Hanina around 100 people gathered in the center of the village and marched to road number 443 – the apartheid road that divides Beit Hanina in two isolated parts. In front of the road, the Occupation forces deployed to defend the free movement of the settlers. These soldiers declared the entire area a military closed zone. However, the protestors defied the orders and continued their protest, chanting slogans and waving flags.

In Deir Ghassoun (Tulkarem district) dozens of protestors marched to the Wall that isolates their lands and held speeches vowing to continue the resistance against the theft of their lands. The demonstration was disrupted by Occupation forces invading the village via the military gates in the Wall. These military gates allow the military easy access to the village, facilitating Occupation control. Soldiers beat demonstrators, shot tear gas and rubber bullets at the crowd and confiscated the banners and flags.

In Azzoun Atme (Qalqiliya district) a large crowd gathered and marched to the gate. The demonstration was lead by the children of the area. Occupation forces were in the area to ensure that nobody could break through the gate and reach their isolated lands. The people confronted the Occupation with flags, chants and banners demanding their rights.

Al Ma’sra (Bethlehem district) dozens of protestors went to the construction site of the Wall where their lands are destroyed by the bulldozers. A large group of soldiers blocked the road, barring the people from reaching the site. Razor wire fencing blocked the way. The marchers demanded their rights to their land and held speeches, chanted slogans against the occupation and vowed continued resistance.

On Thursday, July 10, 700 people demonstrated in Ni’lin village again today, in defiance of the Occupation forces’ crackdown on protest.

***image3***Earlier this week, Ni’lin was subjected to a four day siege and curfew, which failed to break the ongoing popular action to stop the construction of the Wall on village land.

Clashes started as the villagers converged on the site where the Wall is being built on village land. As villagers approached from all directions, occupation forces stationed in small groups among the olive trees opened fire with teargas and rubber bullets, before attacking with batons. At least 25 people had to be have been injured, three of them seriously.

Among the injured is Jamal Juma’, coordinator of the Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, who has been shot with a rubber bullet in his knee.

It is clear that the Occupation forces are adopting a strategy of escalating violence. Today, the military seemed to have orders to suppress the popular protest by force. However, faced with the isolation and land theft of the Wall, the people will continue to resist. They have no other choice.