A mass demonstration took place yesterday in the city of Tulkarem, with people from throughout the district coming together to voice their united opposition to the ongoing slaughter in Gaza. The protest was organized through a collective effort between the Palestinian national parties, along with local civil society groups such as the Stop the Wall Campaign, Maâan Development Centre, and various student organizations.
***image2***The march began at the Jamal Abdel Nasser roundabout, and snaked throughout the city streets. For two hours, the 3,000 participants chanted slogans condemning the Occupationâs strategy of annihilation in Gaza, and reaffirming the steadfastness and undying resistance of the Palestinian people. Protestors also called for unity in order to confront the assault on Gaza and the Occupation as a whole.
The demonstration ended with several speeches from the representatives of the organizing groups, all of whom urged the continuation of grassroots mobilization in the West Bank.
Another demonstration has been organized for tomorrow, beginning at 1:00 in front of the municipality building in the village of Anabta. The march will go from the village to the Anabta checkpoint, and anyone who would like to attend is welcome to do so.