Settlers bulldoze land in Yasuf
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Settlers bulldoze land in Yasuf

Last week under the watch of soldiers, settlers from Tappauh bulldozed tens of dunums of agricultural land belonging to the village of Yasuf. The land, which was closed to the villagers years ago, is likely to be used for the expansion of nearby settlements.

***image1***Yasuf is a small village located north east of Salfit. The targeted land, which is around 1000 dunums in size and located about a kilometer west of the residential area of the village, is used to grow various types of crops. According to the head of village council, settler groups began bulldozing village land at the start of the Gaza bombardment and continue to do so today.

Families from the village used to rely on this agricultural product to provide them with a key source of income. However, Occupation forces closed all access roads with stone and dirt mounds and forbade villagers from entering almost seven years ago.

The people expressed fear that the bulldozing work is being undertaken for the purpose of linking and developing infrastructure for three outpost settlements established in the environs of the village.