Yesterday some 250 demonstrators from Niâlin, supported by international and Israeli activists, took place in the weekly demonstration after holding Friday prayer near the Wall. Occupation forces had warned demonstrators that they would use live ammunition if they continued protesting near the Wall, and followed through on their threats again this week.
Soldiers initially rained tear gas on the crowd, leading to tens of cases of breathing difficulties. Those affected were treated on the spot by Red Crescent first aid teams that accompany protestors each week.
Later, a large group of soldiers opened the gates and pursued demonstrators back towards the village. On the edge of the village, a sniper shot a young man in the groin with a live bullet. Soldiers also targeted residentsâ homes, firing gas and rubber bullets at houses.
Confrontations continued into the evening, although no arrests or additional serious injuries were reported.
Report and photos Ahmad Mesleh – Niâlin Youth Center