Join the Anti-Apartheid Wall Taskforce and National Days of Action
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Join the Anti-Apartheid Wall Taskforce and National Days of Action

To join or endorse, please write to:

In this Urgent Call to Action:

  • Why the Anti-Apartheid Wall Taskforce
  • What we stand for
  • How to join
  • What you can do
  • Contact information
  • Taskforce current organizational members (in formation

Why the Anti-Apartheid Wall Taskforce:
In response to the international consensus in opposition to the construction and presence of the Israeli Apartheid Wall, reflected in the precedent-setting ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) at The Hague, an open Anti-Apartheid Wall Taskforce (the “Taskforce”) for the United States and Canada has been established.

* In forming this open Taskforce, we encourage all organizations sharing the vision of justice to join and participate.

While the ICJ ruling reflected the international consensus in its determination that the Israeli Apartheid Wall violates the rights of the Palestinian people, the US administration and the majority of Congress nonetheless continue to support Israel and its construction of the Wall. Only days ago, the House of Representatives of the United States voted for Resolution 713, deploring the ICJ ruling and supporting the Wall. The overwhelming 361 members who voted “yes” spanned the twin parties, with 45 nays, 13 presents, and 14 not voting. At the same time, the Democratic Party finalized its proposed platform on the Middle East by staunchly supporting Israel’s illegal policies and practices. The proposed platform includes rejection of the right to return, support for the expansion of the 1967 borders, and support for the Apartheid Wall, among other extreme positions. And as is the case annually, Israel is once again getting the lion’s share of the US Foreign Aid budget.

We recognize that the upcoming period provides an important window to address US policy. As such, Arab-American and Palestinian community organizations established this open Taskforce to coordinate all efforts pertaining to the proposed protest actions and Solidarity Fasts to be carried out in various cities in the United States and Canada. The actions are to be carried out on the following days:

  • July 24 and 25, 2004 – days leading up to the Democratic National Convention
  • August 28 and 29, 2004 – days leading up to the Republican National Convention
  • January 19 and 20, 2005 – the day before and day of the presidential inauguration

What We Stand For:
On these 6 days, we will fast and/or take action to:

  • Demand the Apartheid Wall be dismantled.
  • Demand the full implementation of the right of the Palestinian people to return to their homes and homeland after 56 years of exile and dispossession.
  • Demand an end to the colonial occupation of Palestine.
  • Demand an end to the colonial occupation of Iraq.
  • Stand in defense of civil rights and liberties and oppose the USA Patriot Act.
  • Stand in solidarity with all who are struggling against poverty, racism, and war – in the United States and across the world, from Haiti to Afghanistan and beyond.
  • Stand in honor of people’ solidarity with each other, as we collectively reject segregation and Apartheid.
  • Stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people in their struggle against colonial occupation and exile.

From Boston, to New York to Washington DC, from coast to coast and through the heartland of the United States, we extend our hand to all those struggling for justice, and ask that we join together in 6 days of teach-ins, solidarity, and mutual understanding in every neighborhood and town.

We envision joint and unified coordinated actions. We envision Tents of Justice and Peace to be pitched in parks and other public areas during these days as homes for all those participating and/or supporting the Solidarity Fast.

As we have collectively transformed the Shanties of South Africa to symbols of resistance in the struggle against South African Apartheid, our Tents will be erected to symbolize the fight against the remaining Apartheid – this time manifested most recently in concrete walls 25 feet high. Together we will defeat racism, and ensure that the colonial occupation of Palestine comes to an end!

As we stand together in one collective will, let these Tents be our homes as we reject being pitted against each other – peoples and communities.

For many years, Apartheid imprisoned Mandela and others in the notorious Robben Island prison. We cannot allow the Israeli Apartheid Wall to transform all Palestinian towns into disjointed and segregated Robben Islands.

How To Join:
We ask all organizations working for justice to join as members of the Taskforce. By joining the Taskforce you will be part of a national effort to coordinate actions on the listed 6 days in full collaboration and coordination with existing activities, leading up to joining the counter-inauguration mobilization called for by the ANSWER Coalition in Washington DC on January 20, 2005.

If you agree with the campaign, but cannot join, please consider endorsing. We consider all actions dedicated to the various struggles for justice that your organization may want to undertake locally or nationally on these days as a stand against racism everywhere. By also dedicating your work to bringing down the Wall, we believe that a significant step of international solidarity will be taken.
You can endorse by writing to:
Please include the name of your organization and contact person.

Join us now as we pledge together an over-arching stance for justice and a solid opposition to war, racism, poverty and all forms of occupation.

What You Can Do:
We have received a multitude of actions so far in various cities,

  • Setting up tents in parks or public locations to hold solidarity fasts
  • Holding a people’s teach-ins in open space
  • Holding rallies, pickets, demonstrations, and speak outs
  • Showing movies, organizing forums and panels
  • Making your opinion known to your respective officials

In some cities, local authorities may not grant overnight stay permits. Open rallies, discussions, sit-ins, and pickets at busy intersections are great alternatives. These and all similar actions in dedication to all issues of justice can be also dedicated to bringing down the wall and supporting the rights of the Palestinian people to return.

Since the initial call was issued, many activists contacted us to coordinate events or to request information. We suggest that all questions, endorsements, reports and suggestions be directed to the Taskforce national office. The National Council of Arab Americans (NCA) is providing its national office in California as a clearinghouse and a coordination center for this campaign. You can reach Lara Kiswani or Husam Abusneineh of the NCA, Monday through Friday, 9-5 PM (PST), at:

The National Council of Arab Americans (NCA)
1260 Lake Blvd., Suite 208
Davis, California 95616 – USA
(530) 756-5548
(310) 709-7506

Or, you can write the Taskforce at:

Additionally, we are providing the following selected list of contacts throughout the country of activists working on this campaign. Please note that the national office will be able to provide contacts or information in your specific area. If you would like to be added as a contact, please let us know at Subsequent updates will be sent out periodically up to January 20, 2005, and will include additional information.

We ask that you inform the Taskforce national office of any events that you plan in order for us to provide a national summary for all people to join.

The Anti-Apartheid Wall Taskforce
(List in formation, please join or endorse):

  • The National Council of Arab Americans (NCA)
  • The Free Palestine Alliance, USA
  • Al-Awda: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
  • The Palestine Right of Return Congress – USA
  • Al-Qalam Institute
  • The Palestine Arab Center, Vancouver, Canada
  • The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Los Angeles/Orange County
  • The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, San Francisco
  • The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Sacramento
  • Justice in Palestine Coalition, San Francisco Bay Area
  • Students for Justice in Palestine – University of California, Davis
  • Students for Justice in Palestine – California State University, Sacramento
  • Students for Justice in Palestine – University of California, Berkeley
  • Students for Justice in Palestine – University of California, Los Angeles
  • Muslim Students Association – California State University, Long Beach