Webmasters: Syndicate headlines from this site
***image1***One of the features of StoptheWall.org is the ability to let other websites feature our content on their web sites. Using our simple headline generation tool you can choose to include any of our site content for display on your pages. This simple tool generates some HTML which you can copy into any web page you host. When we update our site and add articles to sections you are syndicating, the headlines on your site update automatically.
With our headline generator you can:
i) Select from all or any one of our site sections. To select from two or more sections, repeat the process as needed.
ii) Choose whether your feed includes headlines only; headlines with a date only, headlines with a summary only, or headlines, date, and summary.
iii) Customize the width and look of our content on your site, to match your site’s design.
iv) Choose the number of headlines you want to appear on your page.
Increasingly the internet is being used as one of the primary tools for activists to mobilize and disseminate crucial information worldwide. Syndicating our headlines is an important, and effective method of helping spread the message of the Campaign, and building solidarity for the Palestinian people. When you have added our headlines to your site, please send us an email and lets us know. Also, if you have any technical question, please donât hesitate to contact us for support.
To add out headlines to your site, please click here to access our headline generator.