10,000 Demonstrate Against the Apartheid Wall in Trafalgar Square

10,000 Demonstrate Against the Apartheid Wall in Trafalgar Square

On May 15th, 10,000 people gathered in Trafalgar Square, which was transformed for one afternoon into a sea of banners, placards and posters demanding Freedom for Palestine and the fall of the Apartheid Wall.

The national rally, organized every year on Nakba Day by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC), was a great success, showing clear support by the British in the struggle for justice and freedom for the Palestinian people. For three hours demonstrators from all over Britain listened and cheered the words of a large number of speakers. All of them voicing the same demands: Stop the Apartheid Wall! Free Palestine! Free Iraq! All of the speakers condemned not only Israel but the American and British governments for their collective crimes as leaders in the era of New Colonialism.




