Demonstration Against the Apartheid Wall in Ar Ram on Naksa Day

Demonstration Against the Apartheid Wall in Ar Ram on Naksa Day

Today marks 37 years since the Naksa, or the Occupation of the West Bank (including east Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip – all that remained of Palestine after the Nakba in 1948 – and today’s demonstration demanded an end to the Occupation, and freedom for all of Palestine. To mark the occassion hundreds of Palestinians from the Ar Ram and Dahiat Al Barid neighborhoods demonstrated against the Apartheid Wall that is planned to be built around the two suburbs, isolating them from Jerusalem, marching from the centre of Ar Ram to the Dahiat Al Barid checkpoint.

If the video doesn’t play above, click here to download, and play in Quicktime. 1 minute 17 seconds, 3.7 MB