Weekly anti-Wall Protest Update
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Weekly anti-Wall Protest Update

Palestinian and international activists came together for the Friday protests, with several reports of injuries from tear gas and rubber bullets.

Ten children and two international activists were injured with rubber bullets whilst participating in the weekly demonstration in Al Nabi Saleh village. An American activist aged 24 years old was injured in the head after a tear gas bomb was fired directly at him by the Occupation Forces during the weekly demonstration in Al Ma’asara village. Tens of protesters suffocated from tear gas fired at the Ni’lin, Bil’in, Al Nabi Saleh and Al ma’asara protests.

The protesters carried the Palestinian flags and banners calling for prisoners to be freed, particularly the prisoners of the grassroots resistance, for an end to the Apartheid wall and settlements and support for Jerusalemites who are being forcefully evicted from their homes, particularly in Silwan. They also called for solidarity with the Palestinians in the north of the West Bank who are under continuous attack by settlers. Mohammad Brejeye, the Co-ordinator of the Grassroots Committee in al Ma’sara village said during his speech at the protest “the smallest Palestinian olive tree is bigger than the mockery that is the Israeli state”.