Two were injured and dozens suffocated during the weekly protests in the west bank
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Two were injured and dozens suffocated during the weekly protests in the west bank


Dozens of Palestinians, International activists participated in the weekly demonstrations  in Al Masara, Nabi Saleh, Kufur qaddom and Bil'in. They demand an end to the occupation, settlement expansion, land confiscation and the destruction of the apartheid wall.


Two demonstrators were injured and dozens suffered from suffocation, due to the actions of the Israeli occupation forces. The  soldiers fired tear gas , lead bullets, rubber-coated metal bullets, and spraying protesters with water waste mixed with chemicals.


In Al Masara Iyad Zawahra (23) was wounded during the protest. The soldiers stopped the demonstrators to continue the protest near the apartheid wall.


In the village of Kufur qaddom, Yahya Shaker Shteiwi (29 years) was shot by a tear gas canister, hitting him in the head. The protesters were trying to open the village main street closed by the Israeli forces years ago. They also want the release of four Palestinians arrested in the village because of their involvement in the weekly demonstrations.