Join the stencil action for a #WorldwithoutWalls!

Join the stencil action for a #WorldwithoutWalls!

Here is one simple and concrete global action for you to take on November 9: Wherever you are, leave a mark in your community that you/your group are part of the masses worldwide building for a #WorldwithoutWalls.


See here the file for the #WorldwithoutWalls logo stencil mask and a small tutorial on how to build a stencil action.

November 9 will signal worldwide that joint construction of a #WorldwithoutWalls has started. The stencil action will symbolise that

“We are many, we are everywhere, and we will continue to build a #WorldwithoutWalls together.”

You may choose to add this action to some other initiative you are planning or do the stencil action on its own.The important part is: please let us know and send us pictures, videos, and reportbacks so that we can share them!



Download the designs for your stencil masks here:


Click below to download the stencil mask as .ai vector file. Click below to download the stencil mask as .pdf file (convertible to vector file.)


Few steps to join the #WorldwithoutWalls stencil actions!


Step 1: Choose the time, place and size of your stencil

Choose the place you want to stencil. This can be an outdoors wall or pavement, an office wall … anything you can paint on. (Note: We are not suggesting you stencil on spaces where stencils are prohibited.)

Think if you can link it to other local work you’re doing or use the action to raise awareness about the devastating impact of walls.


Step 2: Choose the text

We are encouraging you to use the logo of a #WorldwithoutWalls so that we can show our unity. At the same time, choosing a locally relevant text to add to it will show our diversity and will present your struggle to the world. Be creative!

You might also opt for:

  • “When the keys are found, walls will crumble into pathways” — the sentence originally created for the logo by the designer, Orijit Sen.

  • “Together with Palestine – for a #WorldwithoutWalls”

  • “From [your location or wall you struggle against] to Palestine – all walls must fall!”


Step 3: Print the stencil mask

Please download the file for the stencil mask of the logo here here:

.ai file:


The stencil mask is prepared to be printed out in A2 (42 cm (width) x 59.4 cm (height) or 16.5inches x 23.4inches). If you want to change the dimensions, ask your print shop to alter the file accordingly.

Bring the file to your print shop and, best, ask them to laser print it on acrylic paper or vinyl. 


Step 4: Cut the stencil mask

You can ask your printshop to directly laser cut it.

If you want to cut it by yourself or your printshop doesn’t cut it for you, get a craft knife and cut out the black parts of the stencil mask. It will take some patience and maybe a second try.


Step 5: Stencil!

Make sure the stencil mask of the logo is well fixed at the surface where you want to stencil.

Grab the spray paint or paint and brush and fill in the empty spaces!

As suggested in the image above – if you have red, green and black paint you can create a Palestinian flag as a background.


Step 6: Send us a picture or a video

Do not forget to send us a video or an image of the stencils or the stenciling action! We want to show that we are building a #WorldwithoutWalls together by showcasing stencils from around the world!