Get Involved
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Get Involved

Ways you can join and support our efforts

• Organize around the Campaign and its Call
The Campaign call is: Stop the Wall, Dismantle parts already built, Return all lands confiscated for the Wall, and Compensate for all losses. Organize through your movement, organization, university, community, etc.

• Mobilize on November 9, the International Day Against the Wall
This day has been declared by the Campaign as a focal point of mobilization to heighten international awareness on the Wall and its implications on Palestine. It is a day in which people worldwide, and of course in Palestine, will mobilize in calling to stop the Wall, among other slogans. This day was chosen by Palestinian communities struggling to survive amidst the Wall, as November 9 is the day of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

• Get Signatories for the Petition
Already, the petition against the Wall has been translated into several languages—help gather signatures to strengthen awareness about and resistance to the Wall. Download the petition here or link the petition to your site.

• Disseminate our Informational Material as Widely as Possible
This includes fact sheets, book, newsletter, as well as the printing of posters, stickers and t-shirts to spread the word to Stop the Wall!

• Make Palestine and the Wall Campaign a focal point in local, national, and international gatherings
Much mobilization is being built in support of the Campaign through the initiative of groups and individuals to make the Wall a focus during gatherings and conferences around Palestine, social and environmental justice, or human rights. Resources and materials have been compiled on this site with a particular focus on supporting such organizing.

• Create Exposure for the Website
Make the site known in various ways, through publications, contacts and email lists. The site is one of the main ways in which the Campaign can directly communicate to the world.

• Join or Support in Running that National Sub-sites
Supporting the national sub-sites to the Campaign website, in a variety of languages, will help amplify the Campaign call to Stop the Wall! The sites need regular updating, translation, and outreach to be effective tools in support of the Campaign in its usage of the Internet as a major tool in international advocacy.

• Translate Material
We are continuously looking for translators to make sure that the Campaign material is available in as many languages as possible. If you can, please consider supporting us through translations.

• Design our Publications and Activist Material
The Campaign hopes to provide activists with a wide variety of material with which they can use to mobilize against the Wall. Designing publications and materials, including fact sheets, posters, flyers, and more, will greatly help in making such resources available.

• Make Available to Us your Photos and Film Footage on the Wall
Photos and film footage on the Wall expose the daily devastation which communities are facing. The Campaign provides such materials for activists to use globally as well as in exhibitions locally and abroad.

• Let Us Know What you are Doing and What Others are Doing
This may not sound extremely significant, but we find that many organizations and individuals do not update us on their activities or share with us when they use our material and the kind of response it gets. In addition, forward us good articles from your media (not only the English language) so we can see how the Wall is being covered and can also post such articles on the website.