Tura – You Can Uproot Trees But Not A People Determined To Resist
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Tura – You Can Uproot Trees But Not A People Determined To Resist

In Tura, Jenin district, a tree planting ceremony has been held to show the defiance of the people against the expulsion policies of the Zionist project. The planting of olive trees is one of the most symbolic acts within Palestinian celebrations; and Land Day in Palestine is the day to reinforce our roots in the land.

***image2***Some 150 people, including delegates from all over Jenin district gathered in the village. Lead by nationalist songs played by the village band of school students, the people marched to the gate in the Wall that separates some 4500 dunums of village land from their Palestinian owners.

Speeches were made and some 150 olive trees and many other types of trees were planted close to the gate. The speeches and the ceremony reiterated the determination of the people to resist the vicious system of permits, gates and continuous land theft ,and to remain on their lands claiming their rights until the days of justice and liberation come.

Tura in particular has not only lost a large amount of land to the encroachment of the Wall; in addition, last summer, arson attacks destroyed the trees and crops of areas of the village lands.. Some 400 olive trees were burnt in a fire –that was most likely set by the Occupation forces. When the fire took hold, the same forces ensured that nobody could reach the burning grounds on the other side of the Wall , so that the fire raged freely, destroying Palestinian food and livelihoods unhindered while the villagers were forced to stand by helplessly.