Family home demolished as Occupation intensifies settlement of East Jerusalem
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Family home demolished as Occupation intensifies settlement of East Jerusalem

***image2***Occupation forces yesterday continued the destruction of Palestinian homes in Jerusalem, against the backdrop of new multimillion dollar plans for illegal Israeli settlement in the city.

A wrecking crew accompanied by Occupation forces arrived at the house of Akram al-Wa’ywiy in East Jerusalem, claiming that the house had been built without permission. Mr al-Wa’ywiy and his family of six were ejected, the forces sealed the area and the house was torn down.

The Occupation authorities in Jerusalem use the system of building permits to prevent the expansion of Palestinian communities, in an attempt to maintain a Jewish majority in the city.

This week saw the announcement of new plans for 10,000 Israeli homes in occupied East Jerusalem, to be built on lands belonging to the Palestinian village of Kafr Aqab in the north of the city. The plans come on top of earlier announcements for 250 housing units in Ma’ale Adumim settlement and 500 units in Har Homa settlement. The Occupation’s finance ministry has set aside around 100 million shekels for building in Ma’ale Adumim and Har Homa during 2007.

While the Occupation steps up its program to transfer thousands of Israeli settlers into East Jerusalem, Mr. al-Wa’ywiy’s family and the hundreds of other Palestinians who lost their homes in the area during 2007 are facing a bleak winter.