First Update on the arrest of Hassan Karajah
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First Update on the arrest of Hassan Karajah


Hassan Karajah is currently held in the Jalameh Interrogation Center. He has been reportedly beaten by occupation forces and his detention has been extended for 12 days, without access to his lawyer.

This morning the Israeli occupation court has held the first of their farcical hearings in the infamous Mascobiyyeh interrogation center in Jerusalem. Hassan Karajah was brought into the room but forced to leave the room before his lawyer was allowed to enter. After a short hearing the military judge accepted the request of the military prosecution for an extension of Hassan´s arrest for 12 days of interrogation period. No access to the lawyer has been granted so far.

Palestinian youth from Jerusalem have staged the first protest against Hassan´s arrest right in front of the Mascobiyyeh interrogation center. Hassan is active in conducting youth trainings that aim to raise awareness and educate the youth about mass campaigns and organizing society and local press to activate the role of youth in journalism.  He is also active in many national and humanitarian issues, especially in the prisoners and Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movements. In 2011, Hassan led a campaign that was initiated by the youth movement that called for Palestinian unity.

Hassan Karajah has already been beaten by occupation forces at the time of his arrest. Hassan suffers from an infection and sprained back as a result of an accident, and requires treatment and continuous medical supervision. On the night of his arrest, the IOF refused to allow him to take his medicine. It is unclear if any medical attention is given to Hassan. Stop the Wall fears that occupation forces will use these 12 days to use internationally outlawed interrogation techniques and torture against Hassan Karajah. 


More on Hassan Karajah:

Addameer – Prisoner support and Human Rights Association:

War on Want: