Link to
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Link to

***image1***Support grassroots Palestinians mobilization against the Apartheid Wall by directing readers to the Campaign site! Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign buttons, shown below, are now available to be posted on your site. These buttons make a strong statement against the Wall and give readers access to the latest information on Palestinian mobilization against the Wall, news, photos, analysis, activist resources and more.

We have generated two different graphics, in three common sizes typically used on web sites. Also, by using the code below, the graphic on your site will automatically be updated from our servers in the event that we need to modify the slogans, highlight Calls to Action, etc.

Thank you for your support!

Instructions for use:
Once you choose the button design you wish to use on your site from the options below, copy the code (which is provided directly below the example) and simply paste it into your site at the desired location.

** NOTE: We ask that you do not copy/paste the graphic file over to your servers, but rather, use the code we have provided, as we may want to change the slogans/image in order to highlight important dates, Calls to Action, etc. By using the code we provide, the image is displayed on your page, but leaves the actual graphic file on our servers. This way, if we update the graphic, the changes will automatically be displayed on your website instantly.**

Style 1

120 x 60 pixels
‹a href="" target="_blank"›‹img src="" width="120" height="60" border="0" alt=""›‹/a›
120 x 90 pixels
‹a href="" target="_blank"›‹img src="" width="120" height="90" border="0" alt=""›‹/a›
234 x 60 pixels
‹a href="" target="_blank"›‹img src="" width="234" height="60" border="0" alt=""›‹/a›

Style 2

120 x 60 pixels
‹a href="" target="_blank"›‹img src="" width="120" height="60" border="0" alt=""›‹/a›
120 x 90 pixels
‹a href="" target="_blank"›‹img src="" width="120" height="90" border="0" alt=""›‹/a›
234 x 60 pixels
‹a href="" target="_blank"›‹img src="" width="234" height="60" border="0" alt=""›‹/a›

If you have any technical problems, or any questions or concerns please contact us at: