Following our last petition, the EU ended its contract with Israel’s killer drones provided by Elbit Systems. As the EU’s Maritime Safety Agency wants to lease new drones: Let’s tell the European agencies that we won’t be fooled! No military ties with Israel. No drones for EU border control.
The use of Israeli military drones to enforce Europe’s deadly anti-immigration policies is unacceptable.
Therefore I demand:
EMSA to exclude Israeli arms producers from tendering for these contract.
EMSA to only use drones for civil purposes and to not make them available to Frontex or others for border security flights.
Frontex to end its drone surveillance contracts with Airbus, IAI and Elbit.
The Undersigned
Watch the webinar organised by world without Walls Europe, November 10 2020
New report on crimes against humanity in the Aegean:
Press Release, Nov 9 2020 – Faced with public pressure, the EU reshapes use of Israeli military drones in the Mediterranean:
ECCP/STW briefing on the killer drones:
• or
On EU militarization of borders: “Expanding the fortress – The policies, the profiteers and the people shaped by EU’s border externalisation programme”:
• EN:
• ES:
• FR:
• DE:
• NL:
• IT:
• GR:
Joint Statement For A World Without Walls From European Palestine Solidarity And Migrants Rights Groups And Networks:
• EN:
• ES:
Manifesto on Migration:
• EN:
• ES:
• FR:
We are organizations that have come together in a joint space of action for a World without Walls and for freedom, justice and equality of all.
We believe in the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and the return to their homes. We demand an end to Israeli occupation and its version of a ‘21st century apartheid’. We further demand that all those responsible for its implementation and those aiding, abetting and profiting from it are held accountable.
We believe in the right of people to migrate and in the obligation of states to ensure protection, entry and respect for human rights for all people on the move. The war against migration results not only in grave violations of human rights but serves as a smokescreen for the systemic crime that the EU’s anti-migration policies constitute.
We believe that the militarization of our societies, our borders and the Mediterranean to uphold the EU’s policies that reinforce inequalities and exclusion have to stop. More than ever, we need healthcare not warfare and policies that redistribute resources to the people, not to the arms and surveillance industry.
Our struggles are interconnected: European anti-migration policies, that in many cases resemble Israeli paradigms and are often implemented with Israeli technology, are targeting migrants, finance Israeli apartheid and military occupation against Palestinians and militarize European societies.
We therefore commit to work together in the intersection of these anti-racist, anti-colonial social justice struggles to build campaigns that challenge EU-Israel ties that harm Palestinian rights, migrant rights or are deepening militarization policies.
First signatories:
European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine (European network)
Red Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak (Basque Country)
Mugak Zabalduz Karabana Euskalherria (Basque Country)
BDS France (France)
BDS Berlin (Germany)
Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East (Germany)
BDS Greece (Greece)
Legal Center Lesvos (Greece)
BDS Italia (Italy)
Comitato NoMuos/NoSigonella- Catania (Italia)
StopWapenhandel (Netherlands)
Caravana Abriendo Fronteras (Spanish State)
Paz con Dignidad-Observatorio de Multinacionales en América Latina (OMAL) (Spanish State)
Sodepaz (Spanish State)
Stop Maren Mortum (Spanish State)
Comité de solidariedade com a Palestina (Portugal)
Movimento pelos Direitos do Povo Palestino e pela Paz no Médio Oriente (Portugal)
Contact us for more and how to join us:
You can find here a video, memes and sample tweets to share together with the petition:
Sample memes

Sample tweets
JOIN ME – SIGN/SHARE NOW: European agencies @Frontex and @EMSA_LISBON are using Israel’s killer drones developed during the massacres in Gaza for its anti-immigration policy. We can stop it now! #worldwithoutwalls #nodrones #HealthcareNotWarfare
SHARE/SIGN NOW: For its anti-migration policy, the EU uses Israeli killer drones tested on Palestinians in #Gaza. #SpreadSolidarity with Palestinians and immigrants by signing the petition calling on the EU to stop using #IsraeliKillerDrones:
Sign/share the petition calling on the EU to stop using Israeli killer drones against migrants to live in a #WorldWithoutWalls: