“To apply the ICJ Decision and Halt the Ethnic Cleansing in Jerusalem and Palestine!” As Palestinians are ethnically cleansed from their capital of Jerusalem, expelled from their lands in the West Bank, imprisoned in Gaza and under subjugation in the 1948 areas, the Occupation ensures that the most devastating symbols of racism and colonialism have […]
Tag: Press
Despite Occupation Checkpoints and Blocked Gates of the PNA Compound: Over 5000 Protestors Refuse to Accept the Apartheid Wall Making Their Voices Heard in Front of Kofi Annan
RAMALLAH (WEST BANK), PALESTINE – While villagers were delayed, and in many instances barred entry at Occupation Checkpoints throughout the West Bank, a huge crowd of over 5000 thronged the streets of Ramallah to protest at the gates of the Muqataâ, the compound of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), where Secretary-General of the UN Kofi […]
The Israeli High Court rules out 30 km of the Apartheid WallWhat about the other 730 Kms?
Contact: Jamal Juma’: +972-52-285-610; Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign: +972-265-65-890; info@stopthewall.org — www.stopthewall.org On June 30th. the Occupation’s High Court ruled against 30 kms of the Wallâs path that is to be built in 7 villages Northwest Jerusalem, demanding that the Occupation Military propose new maps that will be based on “the proper balance between security and […]
The Israeli High Court rules out 30 km of the Apartheid WallWhat about the other 730 Kms?
Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign info@stopthewall.org — www.stopthewall.org On June 30th. the Occupation's High Court ruled against 30 kms of the Wall’s path that is to be built in 7 villages Northwest Jerusalem, demanding that the Occupation Military propose new maps that will be based on "the proper balance between security and humanitarian considerations…" The Court sought […]