Supporters in Reykjavik, Iceland Organize in Solidarity with the Palestinian Call to Action
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Supporters in Reykjavik, Iceland Organize in Solidarity with the Palestinian Call to Action

The Association Iceland-Palestine joined the Palestinian National and International Call to Action on November 9th by organizing a film screening and speaking event at the Nordic House, a cultural center in Reykjavik, to educate people about the reality of life for Palestinians under Israeli Occupation through personal eyewitness testimonies. The event was well attended and created a platform for education, networking and ongoing community organizing and mobilization against the oppressive Israeli Occupation.

Icelanders that have recently traveled to Palestine and witnessed the destruction and oppression caused be the Israeli Apartheid Wall gathered to share their experiences with their local community through compelling visual presentations and personal stories. The chairman of the Association Iceland-Palestine headed the forum in which people spoke out against the Apartheid Wall and the damage it is causing Palestinian communities. The speakers, among them a social worker, and artist and a student who is also the vice-chairman of Association Iceland-Palestine, spoke from various perspectives about their experiences, covering issues such as land confiscation, on-going resistance in communities and the overarching daily impact of Occupation on Palestinian existence.

Prior to the report-backs, there was also a screening of the film, “Ending Occupation: Voices for a Just Peace”.