Italian activists occupy municipal water and electricity supply division suspected of trilateral agreements with Israel.
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Italian activists occupy municipal water and electricity supply division suspected of trilateral agreements with Israel.

On the 25th of January, around 40 activists of the Italian coalition against the Apartheid Wall following the international call to action issued by PENGON have occupied the offices of the municipal water and electricity supply division Acea in Rome. Part of the national week of mobilization against the Apartheid Wall, the protest was staged in order to oblige the direction of the company to respond to voices about commercial agreements with the state of Israel.

The company has received the activists assuring that such agreements are considered illegal as long as the Israeli Occupation of the Palestinian Territories, the Golan Hights and parts of the South of Lebanon continued and hence to be excluded. The Acea management has denounced the official document released by the Italian ministry of industry last December that had announced trilateral agreements between Italy, Israel and the PNA.