March 20th Call to Action!!
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March 20th Call to Action!!



The Apartheid Wall –Solidifying Occupation and Dispossession

Since June 2002, Israel has been busy erecting an Apartheid Wall which cuts deep inside the Occupied West Bank. Upon completion, the Wall will be some 700 km long and will facilitate the Israeli annexation of approximately 52% of the West Bank, leaving the Palestinians with only 12% of historic Palestine. Nearly 16% of the Palestinian people will be caught on the ‘wrong side’ of the Wall, facing expulsion due to unbearable living conditions with little or no access to their lands, markets, water resources, and communities. On the other hand, approximately 98% of the settlements in West Bank will be included in the de facto annexed areas. The Wall is the latest display of long-standing Israeli plans of land grab, Apartheid and expulsion in Palestine.

The ‘first phase’ of the Wall was completed in July 2003; it is 145 km long and runs through Jenin, Tulkarem, and Qalqiliya districts of West Bank. It has isolated some of the best farm land in the West Bank from more than 3000 farmer-families, separated flourishing markets from traders, and directly affected the lives of more than 200,000 people.

Currently, destruction for the Wall is taking place in countless localities in the northern West Bank, but in particular in the central West Bank in the Jerusalem and Ramallah districts. With greater international attention around this crime, the number of areas facing daily devastation through the military and Occupation bulldozers has only increased, a clear message by the Occupation. The Palestinian people know full well of the intentions behind the Wall, as stated in a slogan from anti-Wall demonstrations: “We Will Not Relive the 1948 Nakbe”

The construction of the Wall has dramatically exacerbated the ills of life under Israeli Occupation. It has robbed the Palestinian people of their livelihoods and freedom of movement, creating ghettos—at times called by those affected “cages” – with high levels of unemployment and total dependence on foreign aid for survival. Therefore, a popular grassroots-based movement against the Apartheid Wall becomes an integral part of the struggle against the Occupation, and restoration of the rights of the Palestinian people. Demolition of the Apartheid Wall is to be seen as an integral part of ending the Occupation of Palestine.

Colonialism in the 21st Century

The occupation of Iraq by the so-called ‘allied forces’ cannot be understood in its entirety, both historically and geographically, by viewing it in isolation from the occupation of Palestine. The basic issue is the domination and exploitation of the Middle East through control of key areas by the United States and Europe in order to secure a wealthy future for Israel and themselves at the expense of millions of people and their rich heritage. The Palestinian struggle historically has been and will continue to be the focal point of US and Israeli oppression in the Middle East. As a result, the people in the region can achieve no real justice or freedom without an end to the occupation of all territories, beginning with Palestine.

Call for Action and Solidarity

On behalf of the Palestinian people, the PENGON Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign calls on activists and demonstrators to bring attention to our struggle against the Apartheid Wall during the demonstrations of March 20th. Bring banners with slogans such as “Tear Down the Apartheid Wall in Palestine!” “Stop Israeli Apartheid!” “Stop Israeli Occupation!” “Free Palestine!”

Wherever possible, carry Palestinian flags to the streets; build mock walls or organize other actions to highlight the plight of the people ghettoized by the Wall. Distribute flyers about the Wall using the information provided in this document, or use more detailed facts sheets on the impacts of the Wall from our website

We call on continued mobilization until Palestinian Land Day on the 30th of March, when thousands of Palestinian protesters fighting against the Occupation and the Wall will be demonstrating. This year’s Land Day protests in Palestine become more significant due to the immediate threat of losing 50% of the West Bank due to the building of the Apartheid Wall. There will be mass mobilizations throughout Palestine around Land Day; we appeal to the international community to protest on Land Day in solidarity and support of our efforts to regain our livelihoods, freedom, and dignity.

Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign,,