Dhahr Al Malih: A Prison for its People
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Dhahr Al Malih: A Prison for its People

***image1***The people in the village of Dhahr Al Malih are now living as prisoners in their village after their permits have not been renewed since the thirteenth of this month. In October 2003 the Occupation forces issued a military order declaring the entire area –including isolated village and lands- behind the Wall as a “closed military area” where only Israelis are allowed. As for Palestinians they have to apply for permits that enable them to reach their isolated lands, and people living in the isolated villages behind the Wall are required to have permits that enable them to stay in their houses and villages. On the thirteenth the permits for the people of Dhahr Al Malih expired and needed to be renewed, however, the Occupation forces did not renew them for the people. Now 300 people living in Dhahr Al Malih are imprisoned in their own village.

The village has no medical or educations institutions of its own and depends on the village of Tura Gharbiya, once nearby, but now separated from Dhahr Al Malih by the Wall. The people can no longer reach their work places or schools or any other other essentials services they might need from the rest of Jenin district because the Occupation soldiers on the gate are not allowing them to pass.

Palestinians from the other areas of the West Bank are prohibited from entering the area between the Wall and the green line. This means that until the Occupation forces decide –if they do- to give permits to the people in Dhahr Al Malih the village will be a prison for its own residents.