Occupation Forces Begin Building the Apartheid Wall in Al Burj Village
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Occupation Forces Begin Building the Apartheid Wall in Al Burj Village

***image2***Occupation Forces began on September 5 destroying and uprooting in Al Burj village in the Hebron District in order to build the Apartheid Wall. This comes at the same time that the Occupation is building the Wall in Beit Awa, Deir Samit, and Al Sikka which are located in the southwest area of the Hebron District.

Al Burj village is situated in the southwestern part of Hebron with 2500 inhabitants at an area of 10,000 dunums, with most of the people working in trade and agriculture as well as depending on work inside the Green Line. Occupation Forces are currently destroying lands and uprooting trees in the west and the southwest sides of Al Burj village, in the same section of the Wall currently being built on the lands of Beit Awa, Deir Samit, and Al Sikka. The Apartheid Wall will destroy 200 dunums and isolate 2000 dunums of the village’s lands.

In 1948, Al Burj inhabitants were expelled by the Occupation to its eastern parts, forcing them out of the western part of the village and confiscating its lands; the 1967 Green Line now runs through the village. Having lost a large area of its lands already in the 1948 Nakba, the Apartheid Wall will be their second Nakba.

Destruction and uprooting of trees for the construction of the Wall is Wall is also continuing in Surif village, northwest Hebron.
