***image4***On Saturday, 13th of May, the people of ar Ram united in the streets to protest the Wall that tears the community in half for the Judaization of Jerusalem. A thousand people converged in the centre of the community and marched in unison for an end to Israeli Apartheid and the Wall. Clashes erupted as Occupation Forces attacked the crowd while Palestinian youth resisted with stones.
Committees against the Apartheid Wall, all national parties and elements of Palestinian civil society, jointly organized the demonstration. At 10:30 am people gathered in front of the town council and marched to the main square of ad Dahiet. The Apartheid Wall now divides the square, while a checkpoint isolates the people from their capital.
***image2***Slogans against the Wall and the policies of ghettoization were shouted as protestors highlighted the devastating impact of the Occupation upon their lives. Currently the community is torn apart by the Wall and ties with Jerusalem are severed. Coming two days before the 58th remembrance of the Nakba (the expulsion of 750,000 Palestinians from their homes) the people of ar Ram and ad Dahet vowed together with political leaders, that they would never relive another disaster.
***image3***Against Palestinian resolve and determination, the Occupation brought a huge number of military forces and special police. With horses, hummers and jeeps, demonstrators became blocked off and tear gas was pumped into the crowd. Among the heavy clouds of tear gas, the youth defended their rights with stones hurled against the Occupation Forces. Finally, the Occupation drove their horses into the crowd and severely beat demonstrators. Two boys were arrested as Palestinians continued their struggle against the ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem.