Agrexco UK Blockaded For Third Time
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Agrexco UK Blockaded For Third Time

Early on Sunday,26th of November 2006, Palestine solidarity activists blockaded the Israeli Company Carmel Agrexco’s UK headquarters. This was part of a protest against recurrent breaches of human rights and international law in Palestine. ***image1***
Carmel is complicit in war crimes under the International Criminal Court Act 2001
(ICC Act). They import fresh produce originating from illegal Israeli settlements in
the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip.

The purpose of the protest is to highlight Agrexco’s illegal activity in court.

The action follows a legal warning letter to Carmel stating clearly why they are in
breach of the law. (See below.)

The action took place at Agrexco UK, Swallowfield Way, Hayes, Middlesex, Israel’s largest importer of agricultural produce into the European Union. It is 50% Israeli State owned.

Protesters used wire fencing and bicycle D-Locks in a well-planned blockade at the two entrances to the building. At 5:30am several protestors locked themselves on to the Company’s gates and internal barriers blocking access to the property. At 6:30am the police arrived but were prevented from accessing the property by the human blockade. Several company trucks have also been stopped.

Before taking part in the blockade, many of the protesters had witnessed first hand the suffering of Palestinians under Israeli occupation.

This follows from actions of 11th November 2004, when Palestine-Solidarity
protesters from London and Brighton were arrested after taking part in non-violent blockades outside the same company and 30 August 2006, when demonstrators blockaded the company for 11 hours and no arrests were made.

September 2005, a Judge ruled that Agrexco (UK) must prove that their business is
lawful. The acquittal of the seven activists before they were able to present their
defence meant that the court did not have to rule on the legality of Agrexco-Carmel’s involvement in the supply of produce from illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip.

In September 2006 protesters blockaded the company again, Carmel refused to have demonstrators arrested because this would have lead to another embarrassing court appearance where their business methods would have been investigated by a British court of law.

Today’s blockade aims to expose this company’s complicity in murder, theft and
damage of occupied land, collective punishment, apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and
other breaches of International Law to public and legal scrutiny.

Contacts: phone 07845039980/07815130937, email


Photos of the last blockade

Text of letter sent to Carmel Agrexco

Report on Carmel’s Involvement in the Jordan Valley:

Press release from previous trial (with links):

War on Want’s Report –“Profiting from the Occupation”:

Letter sent to Amos Orr – Manager of Carmel Agrexco, Hayes

This is to inform you that your business is not lawful

The business carried out at Agrexco, Swallowfield Way, Middlesex cannot be defined as lawful business as your supply of produce from illegally occupied territories makes you ancillary to Apartheid and other Crimes Against Humanity under the International Criminal Court Act 2001 (Hereafter the Act).

Crimes under the International Criminal Court Act are criminal offences under English law.

Your company has disclosed that you export fresh produce from several illegal Israeli-Jewish settlements in the Jordan Valley, West Bank, Palestine. For example, your company deals with Mehola settlement in the central Jordan Valley.

The Jordan Valley is part of the West Bank, a Palestinian territory, that was illegally invaded by force and occupied during 1967. From 1968 Israel began colonising the valley and transferring its civilian population into illegal settlements there.

The transfer of a civilian population into occupied territory is a War Crime under the Act and is a crime under English Law. It is a crime under English Law to be ancillary to (or complicit in/accessory to) a War Crime.

Agrexco has had a packing house at Mehola settlement for a considerable period of time and has, by providing financial support through trade, to the illegal settlers living there, facilitated the subsistence and growth of Mehola settlement.

Settlement growth in the Jordan Valley has lead to the forceful expropriation of at least 95% of the land in the valley. This is land that was previously owned by the indigenous Palestinian population. The theft and cultivation, achieved through state violence and the threat of violence, of this land is a War Crime under the Act and it is a crime under English Law to be ancillary to it.

The building of settlements and settlement infrastructure in the valley has lead to damage being caused to Palestinian Civilian objects and territory. This damage has included the building, on occupied territory, of a wall along the length of the Jordan River and the building of a series of checkpoints, such as those at Al-Hamra and Al-Tayasir. It is a War Crime under the act for an occupier to damage civilian property.

In establishing the threat of violence in the Jordan Valley, to allow the construction of settlements like Mehola, the Israeli army has been guilty of Murder, a War Crime under the Act.

The situation established in the Jordan Valley can be correctly characterised as Apartheid. The minority settler population controls 98% of the land and a majority of the water in the Valley. The majority Palestinian population are marginalized on the land and are subject to a system of Israeli military law whereas the civilian settler population are subject to Israeli Criminal Law.

Settlement expansion is facilitated by a state policy of Ethnic Cleansing against the Palestinian Civilian Population. Palestinian residents of the Jordan Valley must apply for permits to live in the valley from the Israeli military. The military has engineered a situation where residents increasingly lose their permits and have to leave the valley. This is coupled with a ban on new building in the valley, resulting in the majority of the Palestinian population, in some areas, living in tents. This restriction on building is enforced by house demolitions by the military of any new Palestinian structures. Ethnic Cleansing is a War Crime under the Act.

The above situation has been engineered by the state to allow the cultivation of land in the Jordan Valley, the most fertile area in the West Bank. Agrexco, a partly state owned company, has directly benefited from, and facilitated this situation:

Agrexco, of Swallowfield Way, Middlesex are ancillary to

Theft and Damage of Occupied Land
Collective Punishment
Ethnic Cleansing

Which is a Criminal, Arrestable offence under English Law

Therefore Agrexco’s business cannot be considered legal

Palestine Solidarity Campaign