On July 4th, the Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU) has passed a motion at its biennial conference in support of a customer boycott against Apartheid Israel.
Following in the footsteps of other unions around the world who have taken up the boycott, the biggest general union in the UK, with over 800,000 members, also vowed to take part in the lobby of British parliament on November 2nd and demanding the UK government take a stronger stand against Israel. It condemned Israeli violence against the Palestinian people.
TGWU has a long history of campaigning on issues such as ethical trading and workers rights within a global context.
TGWU Motion – Composite 31
Conference notes that Enough! is a coalition of charities, trade unions, faith and other campaign groups who are committed to peace for Israelis and Palestinians alike. This can only be built on justice, equality and freedom.
In order to achieve this goal governments like the British Government must stand up for international law and human rights.
This conference welcomes the TGWU’s decision to support the Enough! campaign and calls upon conference to mandate the GEC to play a full role by:
1. Actively participate in the events planned throughout 2007 such as the national lobby of parliament in November 2. Build partnerships with other campaigning organisations such as War on Want who are actively supporting the Palestinian people.
This conference deplores the actions of the Israeli government in its treatment and attitude towards the Palestinian people in failing to recognise their legitimate aspiration of a Palestinian state.
We therefore call upon conference to support a boycott of Israeli products and goods and calls upon the government to take a stronger stance in support of the Palestinian people.