Demolition threats in two Bethlehem villages
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Demolition threats in two Bethlehem villages

Occupation forces have issued several demolition orders this January in the Bethlehem district. In addition to a private home in Irtas, the municipal water well in al-Khader has received another demolition order, threatening to seriously damage the village’s water supply.

***image1***In early January 2009, the al-Khader municipality received the second military order requiring the demolition of the community water well. The 125 cubic liter well is located in Area C, and was initially targeted for demolition in last September.

The construction of the well was financed with €70,000 from the EU. The project was overseen by the Palestinian Hydrology Group and was designed to counter the chronic water shortages faced in al-Khader. The well supplies the village school district as well as the old city, serving approximately 2,500 students and 30 families.

Also in the Bethlehem district, Occupation forces issued a demolition order to Abdallah Abu Sawi, from the village of Irtas. The residence houses Abu Sawi and his 6 person family. Abu Sawi stated that the home is located on village land beyond the proposed path of the Wall.